Developing healthy habits and setting a routine are key to a successful life. We have studied the practices and habits of successful people to bring you tips that can help you transform your life. So, without further ado, let’s find out what actions make people successful in the long run.
How healthy habits influence your life
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do.” This isn’t far from the truth because whatever we do every day, consciously or unconsciously, impacts our life and mindset. Our habits combined form routines that we perform on a consistent and repetitive basis.
A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has shown that people who develop healthy habits early on have a higher chance of achieving success in life. On the other hand, poor daily habits result in negative behaviors and bad decisions. Good habits are created with self-control and self-discipline, without which developing healthy routines can be challenging.
One thing differentiating high achievers from ordinary people is their intention to succeed. They can reach their full potential by steering their own path through healthy habits and consistent routines.
- It acts as an anchor
Routines give you the feeling of being in control of your life and serve as an anchor. For example, waking up at the same time every morning and going for a walk creates stability and comfort. When you have a fixed routine, you can manage your time better, and that sense of manageability empowers you to handle unpredictable changes.
- It takes the guesswork out of life
Consistent routines provide you with a roadmap that you can follow every day without giving it much thought. Waking up each morning and thinking about what you should do next can build unnecessary pressure over time. Routines allow you to live an easier and simpler life. When your day follows a set pattern, you don’t have to stress about every little thing you have to accomplish that day. Instead, you feel like you already have a direction, which has a calming effect on you.
- It helps promote self-care
Self-care is an element that is relatively easy to overlook in our fast-paced lives. Since routines enable you to manage your time efficiently, you can make time for positive daily habits that promote self-care. Take Oprah Winfrey, who starts her day with 20 minutes of meditation daily. Even Jennifer Aniston makes herself a protein shake every morning and then exercises for up to an hour.
The idea is to organize your day around activities that you feel are important and give you a feeling of fulfillment.
- It keeps you motivated
If you have a lot to do, starting your day might seem like a task in itself. Spending hours deciding what goals you want to achieve that day is overwhelming. Routines help you stay motivated and enable you to get the job done in time without giving it any extra thought. Take the famous writer Stephen King for example. He has a habit of putting on some music after his morning tea, sitting down in the same seat, and arranging the papers on his desk the exact same way. This routine helps him invoke his imagination and inspires him to create his stories.
- It helps maintain a healthy work balance
When you have a job you love, it’s easy to forget that you have a personal life that is as important as your work. Many people struggle with switching their work mode off in the evening after working throughout the day. A healthy routine involves finding time for things that bring you joy. It could be something you enjoy doing, such as painting, yoga, cycling, etc.
A routine helps remind you when it’s time to stop working. It allows you to spend time with your loved ones and relax your mind and body.

Successful habits to incorporate into your daily lifestyle
Changing your daily habits helps improve your mood, health, and overall outlook toward life. As John C. Maxwell says, “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
Following are some daily habits that successful people swear by.
- Wake up early
Among the keys to success is being productive and making the best use of your time and efforts. This is why waking up early is essential to make the most of your day. A study by Harvard Business Review found that “people whose performance peaks in the morning are better positioned for career success.” Many people complain that there’s so much they want to do, but there just isn’t enough time. Waking up early gives you the time to chase your goals and follow healthy routines.
- Take a break from the digital realm
People spend a lot of time on their phones, either scrolling through social media sites or following work email threads. Taking short breaks from the digital world throughout the day helps you focus on things that you actually want to do. For example, when you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do is reach out for your phone. Your feelings are immediately influenced by what’s happening around you and what you see on the phone. Instead, give yourself at least 30 minutes after waking up to gather your thoughts and work out your routine for the day. You should start your day with what you feel and not take dictation from your phone.
- Don’t skip breakfast
Whether or not you’re a morning person, you can’t deny that morning is the most productive time of the day. It truly helps set the tone for your whole day, so you should spend it wisely. You should eat a healthy breakfast as this is also the optimal time to consume the most calories. Include healthy fats, proteins, and carbs, and make it a priority not to skip this important meal.
- Maintain a daily journal
Keeping a journal is a very productive habit that keeps you on track and encourages you to reach your goals. You can write down anything and everything, whether it is your schedule for the day, a monthly strategy, or just your random thoughts. When you write in a journal, you allow yourself to slow down and reflect on your day. Also, emptying your thoughts onto the pages helps clear your mind and focus on essential things.
- Be content
It is one thing to struggle for the things you want, but being dissatisfied with your life doesn’t get you there any sooner. A Harvard Medical School study has shown that “gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.” And everyone knows that happy people are more successful. You should allow yourself to feel inspired by other people and feel grateful for what you have achieved meanwhile.
- Set reasonable goals
A long and heavy to-do list is not helpful. If anything, just looking at the sheer amount of tasks you have to complete in a day will exhaust you. That is why you should set realistic goals that you can achieve with effort. This way, you will stay motivated to reach your goals and also feel relaxed at day’s end. You can focus on three important tasks and tackle them first. Once you have achieved that, move on to other less important things.
People don’t become successful in the day, but it takes dedication, perseverance, and patience to reach the end line. Developing healthy habits and routines is the first step towards a successful and happy life.